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Quayside Furniture


Quayside Furniture for Wharves and Jetties. 

Designed and adapted to meet the demands of modern shipping, you will see Bean bollards on quaysides worldwide. The unique design of the Bean bollard has many advantages:

A kind path is presented to the mooring lines, avoiding damage to the ropes
There is no possibility of the lines jamming or jumping the post when snatch or slackening is taking place or when the ship is high above the quay
Raking lobes may be used for checking or warping
Using twin horns allow for two vessels to be moored to a single bollard independently of one another.

Cast iron, with its natural resistance to corrosion, is usually specified as the most economic material for applications where weight is not a deciding factor. Alternatively, bollards can be cast from steel or from other materials upon request.

These are but a few examples of the products we can supply.  Contact us for all your needs

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